Our little princess just turned one! Can you believe it - I hardly can! She had a fun birthday, and we made sure that she didn't have any reason to cry at all that day! She got a lot of fun toys from all her family, and she loves playing with them all.... I just need to start rotating them about so she doesn't get bored with any. Unfortunately, the day after her birthday she had to go to the doctor's and get some shots :-( at least the doc was kind enough to give her a book on the way out :-) Gwen weighed in at 17 lbs 15 oz - so she's still a tiny, but man can she pound the food down! And she measured 29.25" - so she's still growing like a weed.... everything else checked out great :-D

I had my 24 week appt. today.... and everything is measuring and sounding great with #2. The heartbeat was a good 158 bpm, and the baby was wide awake, kicking the heck out of me to get that darn doppler off my belly.... I have to laugh because Gwen was the same way - she hated whenever they'd use any type of ultrasound on her - she'd always kick the crap out of me - so it's looking like #2 is going to be a lot like Gwen! I think I'd like that a lot :-) if not, I guess that'll be alright too ;-) My blood pressure was a beatuiful 112/68 - let's hope it decides to stay that way over the weeks to come! Anyways, this week ends my 2nd trimester - so we'll be on the last leg of the pregnancy from here on out! My next appt. is in two weeks and I have the dreaded glucose test - ugh! So I'll try to get on and update then.
In the meantime, I've been a painting fool - I'm trying to get the rest of the house painted before I'm too exhausted from this pregnancy to do anything! But, I'm down to two rooms and a hallway and a handful of trim work - so if you're bored and have some free time - feel free to stop by and help ;-) Brian is trying to stay a step ahead of me and finish the mudding and sanding in those two rooms and hallway! I'll try to have pictures of the finished rooms the next time - expecially of Gwen's big girl room :-)