Gwen: this girl has developed quite a personality over the la

st few weeks. Between teething and her cold, she has not been in the best of moods. She is getting fairly demanding and is not afraid to tell us 'no' or 'stop', especially when her diaper is getting changes. She has also gotten fairly good at the remote control. She knows that it works the TV. Sometimes she will hand it to us and ask for "Blue Clue" or "Daba Daba". Othertimes she takes matters into her own hands and knows then up and down button. She also knows that if she presses "OK" several times it often brings on "Moose", her favorite character on Noggin. Hopefully she doesn't turn into a couch potato.
All in all, were trying our best to keep Gwen happy as she has had tooth after tooth coming in continuously and we want her to feel loved when the next baby arrives too. We both think that she has been a bit out of sorts and possibly knows that 'something' is coming. Maybe she's been listening to mommy belly too much.
About one week to go and the pressure is on. Laura has had this amazing list of "things I'd like to have done before the baby arrives". Now, every husband has a 'honey do' list, but this one has a due date and is always getting longer. The real trouble was that I had my own list and none of them were on hers. This has left me exhausted. Not to mention, I'm just about to send out my dissertation to my advisers!
I have had plenty of time to get ready for the baby, in terms of getting the house, cars, etc. ready, but very little time to get myself ready for #2. Well, when Gwen came I told myself that I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I guess that the same is true this time. I also don't have the same problem as Laura, as I'll actually get more of Gwen's attention now that mom is busy with the new baby.
All I can ask for is that this baby will be as wonderful as Gwen. If I can't have that, I'd still be happy with a health baby.