Gwenna update: Gwenna has blossomed over the last 8 months. She talks a mile a minute with a handle of language that surpasses most of her age-mates. We had a quaint little party for her when she turned two. Just a couple of her best friends and her grandparents shared the day with her. Her current obstacle is potty training. She's doing surprisingly well in a short amount of time. It is a complete novelty to wear underwear, so she's willing to sit on the potty all day to wear her princesses and her froggies! Gwenna is such a sweet little snuggle bug too, she'll run up to Brian when he gets home from work and tell him "Daddy I wuv you" and ask to snuggle with her :-) She's taking to her baby doll(s) and starting to help out a little more with tasks that Mommy asks of her. She's really becoming a big girl...... and it's happening too fast!
Miles update: Well, you can only imagine the leaps and bounds that Miles has made over the last 8 months. He is definitely mister motor skills! He started army crawling around 6 months and worked up to walking by 11 months. He's got a knack for destroying things - much to his sister's dismay. And he's awesome with connecting two-and-two together, like we start to recite his favorite book, and he searches through a stack of books until he finds the one we're reading :-) Miles turned one today too!!!!! I can't believe how fast this year has gone and how much he's accomplished in that year :-) It's sad to say that my baby is now a toddler ::sniffle:: It has been one awesome year with him though and I can't be more happy and in love with my little man!
Laura update: I guess we can say a new year another pregnancy! That's right, we're working on cooking #3, and almost half way done too :-P Yesterday, we went to have the anatomy ultrasound to make sure that everything was happy and healthy with the baby. While everything looked great from what they could see, the baby stayed curled up in a little ball and refused to cooperate. So, I get to have another ultrasound in 4 weeks to see if the baby will cooperate that time. Gwenna, when we tried to explain that Mommy was pregnant again, called the baby "Happy", so that's what we have taken to calling the baby until we know otherwise. I'm sure I've this mentioned before, but Brian and I have decided from here on out to let the baby decide if they wanted us to know their gender before their birthday. Well, the baby decided not to show us at yesterday's ultrasound, but I think we'll try to take a look at the next appointment just because we get a second chance. Everything else from the appointment looked great.
Brian update: I guess he will get on later an update himself :-)