Friday, May 2, 2008

40 weeks and .....

Well, yesterday was officially my due date! But, there's nothing going on in there other than the crazy movements the baby gives me on a daily basis. So, yes, I am a little disappointed, but I only want what is best for the baby and it can stay in there til it's ready. My appointment on Wednesday ended up being a lot of drama. I went in there really excited and nervous, so my blood pressure was a little high; well, my midwife didn't like that, so she stuck me on the fetal monitor to see how the baby was doing. Well, little Crazy was sleeping, as usual for mid afternoon, but the midwife didn't except that and had to wake the poor thing up - well, she got good results after that! But, it the process of waking the baby up she determined that I was 0 cm dilated and 0% effaced, which means that my body hasn't even starting to "ripen" to the idea of having this child any time soon :-( But, she did say that there isn't a lot of fluid in there, so baby doesn't have a lot of room to move or grow - so it shouldn't be too much longer until this little person graces our presence. We'll keep updating as I have more appointments or the baby comes!

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