#2 - this is what Brian has taken to calling the next baby - is doing well and growing on par. They had a hard time hearing the heartbeat with the doppler, so they had me do a quick ultrasound to make sure the baby was ok. The little thing was just flipping around so much that they couldn't get an accurate reading! My blood pressure was great too - everything else went well. The pregnancy so far has been a breeze, it's following the same pattern as it did with Gwen - so could this mean another girl? I guess we'll have to wait to find out - I personally don't have any intuition telling me boy or girl yet, but then again - I didn't have those feelings until I was 2/3 of the way through cooking Gwen! This time around it's Brian's decision if we're going to find out the gender - since I got my way last time with not finding out the sex - but only by default since Gwen had no intention of presenting herself at the ultrasound! Brian is being indecisive about that decision.
As for Gwen's appointment she weighed in at 16lbs 4.4oz and is 28 in. tall. They are a little concerned about her weight because she fell off her normal curve. They want me to supplement her with formula to see if we can bring it up a little, or at least keep it stable... she's not losing weight, she's just not gaining as much as she was. So we go back in a month so see if it has improved. Other than that though, she able to due all the crazy things that a 9 month old is suppose to do and then some! Gwen's starting to really enjoy standing. She was very cautious in the beginning and would only stand up next to a few things - but now she'll pull herself up on anything. She's still being cautious about furniture walking - the legs just aren't working the way she expects them to, so she'll move a little if the object she's holding moves a little, or she'll pivot and move to something that's really close and that only requires one footfall for each foot. She's getting bored with things a lot more quickly, so I'm having to move her to different areas of the house with different toys throughout the day so she won't get grumpy with me! Sleep is slowly becoming better - she's going to bed at 8pm and while she might wake a few times to fuss, I'm not going back in the room til 6am - if she wakes sooner, Brian has been really good about going in there and soothing her back to sleep - if I go in she gets mad that I won't nurse her and then she won't go back to sleep at all. I'll be back to update on the next prenatal appointment - which will be in 4 weeks, and give a report of our Gwen, but until then, here's some pictures....
1 comment:
Happy Valentines Day little one. Poppa & Nana are sending you a little gift to entertain you. we hope you like it. It should be there around the end of February. We do love seeing the new pictures of you as you get prettier everyday.
Hope too see you and give you a big hug soon.
Hugs & kisses
Poppa & Nana
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