So, it's been a pretty uneventful month in the Borawski household. We're all just waiting for Spring to stick around so we can get up and get out of this house and enjoy some nice weather! Everyone is doing well after being sick for a good part of the month. Poor Gwen had her first ear infection - which I don't think bothered her that much, but she did require some antibiotics to get rid of it. I had her into the doctor's again today for her weight check - she's gained almost a pound in 5 weeks! So the doc was happy with that and we don't have to go back again until she's a year old - yippee! Other than that, she's up cruising around the furniture. She's starting to push things now, and walk behind them - she was unsure of this at first, but now she finds it to be a challenge that she has to overcome! I try to walk her a little each day, but she thinks that it's bouncy time when I hold her hands like that - needless to say, we don't get very far, so I'm glad she's starting to push and walk with some of her toys - otherwise I don't think she'll figure this walking thing out for a long time!
I had my 16 week check-up last week for #2. Everything seems to be going well with the tiny one. The doctor had a hard time finding the heartbeat again - but he said it was because the baby was flipping around a lot. He spent a good 5 minutes trying to get a stable heartbeat - he caught it for at least 2 seconds before the baby moved again - so he never got an accurate heartbeat count.... Anyways, my blood pressure was good and I'm still measuring right on track with how far along I am. We have the ultrasound appointment scheduled for the 31st of this month, along with my next check-up. And to answer everyone's question about finding out the gender..... well, I guess everyone is just going to have to wait til August to find out :-) Sorry! I think Brian enjoyed the surprise too much the last time - especially after the marathon labor and delivery - it was a good way to end it! And we're keeping the names a secret as well, unless you're someone that is also having a baby and we don't want to compete for names with you!
Anyways, I'll be back on at the end of the month or beginning of next with an ultrasound update! And, of course, a Guinevere update!
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