Gwen is still the sweetheart that she always has been. She's starting to let me hold her hands and walk her around more - which she refused to do until about a week ago. But, she's mastering her balance at standing alone and I think she gained some confidence to start walking with us! Other than that, she's learning more about cause and effect with certain things, and she's figuring out where certain things belong - like my sunglasses - they belong on my head, and she demands that they go 'on my head' whenever she sees them lying around! She really enjoyed her visit with her cousins (the twins) a couple of weeks ago, and was happy just to sit by them or watch them run around - I can only imagine that she wishes she could be a big kid just like them already! Her other set of cousins will be visiting her next week, let's see how she responds to crazy Caden when he comes rolling in :-)
Brian is still plugging away at the thesis - making slow, steady progress.... all we can both hope is that his advisers will let him defend and graduate this summer, before #2 decides to grace us with his/her presence! We have no further word on the house - we're still waiting to hear back from the bank. In the meantime we're fixing up what we can, and I plan on painting the remainder of the rooms just as soon as the temps stay above 60 so I can open the windows and let the rooms vent! I'll be sure to post pictures when they're finished! Anyways, I'll post again after Gwen's next check-up and my next doctor's appointment!
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